Boogie Mites

We recently caught up with Sue Newman of Portsmouth based business Boogie mites to find out how GetSet Solent helped support their business growth, their progression and what the future goal holds for their franchise business. …

About Boogie mites

Boogie Mites sprang from Harriet’s love of music. A singer-songwriter, Harriet wrote songs for her daughters and soon developed music workshops for young children. When Sue brought her son to class one day, a partnership was born. Sue saw how Harriet’s workshops support children’s development as well as providing that great feel-good factor.

Today, neuroscience shows that active music making in early years enhances brain development. Boogie Mites tried-and-tested Music Programmes provide the ultimate resource for giving children the opportunity to boost learning, development and wellbeing through music.

Find out more about boogie mites on their website